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Autor/inn/enRohwer, John; Wandberg, Bob
TitelAn Innovative School Health Education Model Designed for Student Achievement.
Quelle(1993), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAffective Measures; Child Health; Cognitive Measurement; Educational Innovation; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Health Education; Health Promotion; Outcomes of Education; Program Design; Student Attitudes; Student Behavior; Teaching Methods; Minnesota
AbstractNew threats to the health of American children, often psychosocial in nature due to societal changes, must be addressed. The Minnesota School Health Education Model is based on the integration of four primary components: (1) school health education goals aimed at health promotion, disease prevention, and long-term positive health effects on families and communities; (2) measurable behavioral learner outcomes; (3) demonstrated student competencies; and (4) teaching strategies. This program identifies 11 specific goals developed by nearly 700 Minnesota health and education professionals with assistance from the United States Public Health Service, the Institute of Medicine, and the Centers for Disease Control, with attention to the National Health Objectives for the Year 2000. Behavioral learner outcomes are expected for each goal. Students are then able to acquire four cognitive, affective, and skill competencies: knowledge, attitudes, personal skills, and social action. This model program is dedicated to improving the health of students, their families, and their communities through use of this broad, integrated approach in the classroom. A diagram of the Minnesota School Health Education Model and samples of an instructional dimension and related teaching strategy are appended. (Contains 13 references.) (Author/LL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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