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Autor/inDavies, Gordon K.
InstitutionNational Center for Public Policy and Higher Education; Education Commission of the States; National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS)
TitelSetting a Public Agenda for Higher Education in the States: Lessons Learned from the National Collaborative for Higher Education Policy
Quelle(2006), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Management Systems; Program Effectiveness; Educational Policy; Agenda Setting; Educational Improvement; Improvement Programs; Educational Needs; Educational Assessment; Educational Indicators; Guidance Programs; Change Strategies; Educational Change; Formative Evaluation; Educational Administration; State Action; State Programs; Missouri; Rhode Island; Virginia; Washington; West Virginia
AbstractIn March 2003, the Education Commission of the States, the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, and the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education established a collaborative project to help states improve higher education performance by assisting with examination of state higher education policies and with establishing broad agreement around statewide priorities for improvement. Five states participated formally in the new National Collaborative for Higher Education Policy: Missouri, Rhode Island, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia. The starting point for the analysis in each state was "Measuring Up," the national report card series issued by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. Additional state-specific information was added to provide a more comprehensive picture of the needs of each state. As part of the process, a leadership group was formed in each state to analyze performance, assess policy gaps, and develop a new state agenda for higher education. The leadership group sought guidance from stakeholders throughout the state. A common priority in all of the states was the need for a more highly educated population that could function effectively in a technologically sophisticated world. This report summarizes lessons learned from the collaborative project. It offers guidance to states interested in gaining broad agreement around a new agenda for higher education that is grounded in performance in the state and directed toward meeting the needs of state residents. (Contains 6 figures and 7 footnotes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. 152 North Third Street Suite 705, San Jose, CA 95112. Tel: 408-271-2699; Fax: 408-271-2697; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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