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Autor/inMetzger, Leigh Ann
InstitutionFamily Research Council of America, Inc., Washington, DC.
TitelUnderstanding the Problem of Pornography.
Quelle(1986), (17 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Child Abuse; Legal Problems; Moral Issues; Obscenity; Pornography; Sexual Abuse; Sexuality
AbstractThis report was written to clarify the terms often associated with pornography and to help readers understand the issue of pornography more clearly. The first chapter defines pornography, as it was defined by the United States Attorney General's Commission on Pornography, as "that material (which) is predominantly sexually explicit and intended primarily for the purpose of arousal." Four basic legal categories of pornography are then explained: (1) obscenity; (2) indecency; (3) child pornography; and (4) constitutionally-protected materials. The second section of the report poses commonly asked questions about pornography and discusses answers. Topics covered include research evidence that pornographic materials are harmful; views of the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography; First Amendment and censorship violation issues; other types of pornography; and the role of organized crime in the production and distribution of pornographic materials. The last two sections present key pornographic statistics, lists of Supreme Court cases, and anti-pornography organizations, endnotes, and selected literature for further reading. (NB)
AnmerkungenFamily Research Council of America, Inc., 515 Second St., N.E., Washington, DC 20002 ($5.00 suggested contribution for 1-5 copies, discounts for larger orders, all amounts tax deductible).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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