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InstitutionNevada State Dept. of Education, Carson City. Special Education Branch.; Nevada State Dept. of Human Resources, Reno. Early Childhood Services.
TitelNevada Mediation System for Early Intervention and Special Education. Revised.
Quelle(1995), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Agency Role; Arbitration; Conflict Resolution; Disabilities; Due Process; Early Childhood Education; Early Intervention; Elementary Secondary Education; Hearings; Parent School Relationship; School Districts; Special Education; State Standards; Student School Relationship; Nevada
AbstractThis guide to the Nevada Mediation System for Early Intervention and Special Education is intended to assist families, school districts, and state agencies in resolving disputes regarding the provision of appropriate early intervention or special education and related services to children with disabilities. First, the mediation process is explained and the value of mediation in improving cooperation between parents and the agency is stressed. Appointment of the mediator and appropriate participants in the mediation are considered next. Mediation is seen as a voluntary dispute resolution process and as an alternative and not a prerequisite to a due process proceeding. An outline of the mediation process, including the mediator's role in the initial contact and responsibilities of all parties during the mediation session, is provided. Principles of mediation are listed, such as: "the mediator has no authority to compel any action by either party," and "the only record kept of the mediation is a Mediation Agreement." Other aspects briefly considered include the role of the Nevada Departments of Education and Human Resources, accessing the mediation process, payment of mediators, and local mediation efforts. Attachments include relevant forms such as the Mediation Agreement, request for postponement of the due process hearing, and the mediator appointment letter. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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