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Autor/inHelms, Barbara J.
TitelSchool-Related Stress with Children with Disabilities.
Quelle(1995), (22 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Ability; Academic Achievement; Age Differences; Behavior Patterns; Developmental Disabilities; Elementary Secondary Education; Emotional Disturbances; Emotional Problems; Learning Disabilities; Mental Retardation; Peer Relationship; Questionnaires; Self Evaluation (Individuals); Stress Variables; Student Adjustment; Student Attitudes; Student School Relationship; Teacher Student Relationship
AbstractThis study examined school-related stress in children with disabilities, specifically the sources and manifestations of such stress and whether these differ for children from different disability groups (either developmental or emotional) or age groups (elementary, middle school, or high school). Subjects were 244 students in grades 4-12 from three Connecticut towns, of which 43.8 percent had developmental disabilities (learning disabilities and mental retardation) and 54.2 percent had emotional disabilities. Subjects were given the School Situation Survey, a measure of school-related sources and manifestations of stress in children. (A list of Survey items is included.) Results indicated that the students from the two disability groups experienced different levels of stress related to interactions with their peers and their perceptions of their academic performance or achievement but not related to interactions with their teachers or perception of their academic ability. Although both disability groups had mean scores in the low to moderate range on the Peer Interaction Scale, students with emotional disabilities reported higher levels of stress concerning activities and interactions with their classmates. Some significant age differences were also found. The scores of the two groups did not differ significantly regarding the emotional and physiological manifestations of stress, though students with emotional disabilities reported significantly more frequent behavioral manifestations than students with developmental disabilities. (Contains 34 references.) (Author/DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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