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Autor/inn/enDuhn, Iris; Malone, Karen; Tesar, Marek
TitelTroubling the intersections of urban/nature/childhood in environmental education.
QuelleIn: Environmental education research, (2017) 10, S.1357Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterUrban; Childhoods; Education; Cities; Nature; Animals; Collection; Intersections; Innovation; Environmental education; Democracy; Children; Migration; Urban environments; Urban areas; Greening
AbstractThis collection examines why urban environments are key sites for reimagining and reconfiguring human-nature encounters in times and spaces of planetary crisis. Cities constitute powerful and troubling spaces for human-nature intersections. They typically represent the effects of human dominance over nature: humans in control, taming and managing the wildness of 'nature' by domesticating it. Children existing in these mostly adult designed and orchestrated creations are often ignored as city dwellers, along with animals who increasingly migrate into urban areas. Yet cities are also sites of innovation and 'greening', of critical democracy and renewal, with the most innovative cities including those where children co-create urban environments, and where animals and plants are valued as co-city dwellers. As this collection shows, troubling and reimagining these sites for diverse forms and ways of living, including of encounter with the other, and thus what can be learnt and taught through urban nature childhoods, is one possible pathway for working out different modes of being human with the earth.
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