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Autor/inGoff, Lynn
TitelCreative Play Leads to Lasting Memories
QuelleIn: Arts & Activities, 146 (2010) 5, S.36-37 (2 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEducational Games; Class Activities; Artists; Art Education; Elementary School Students
AbstractWhen the author visits art museums, she always winds up in the children's section of the museum shop looking for appropriate books and games for her students. The games always intrigue her; however, they are rarely designed for more than two to four players, and the cost is often prohibitive. In light of this frustrating situation, she has spent a lot of time wracking her brain for a way to have a self-directed, art-related game available for her students who finish their work early. This article discusses how the artist-matching game was created, its mechanics, and her objectives in creating such a game. With the help of a parent volunteer, they cut out each of the 12 Monet, Klimt, van Gogh, etc., pint-size paintings and glued them individually on index cards. On the back of each card, they used bright red markers to print the name of the artist. Then, they laminated the cards so they would be durable enough to stand up to frequent use by many young hands. The rules of play are simple. Spread the cards out so the artwork is facing up. Choose the youngest student to be first, and have them select and turn two cards over. If the cards match, the student gets a second turn; if not, play goes to the next student on the left. The objective is to try to identify the artist's style and pick two paintings created by the same artist. The students thoroughly enjoy the game and learn to closely observe the artwork, as well as to associate the artwork with the artist's name. She concluded that playing games adds variety to the activities in the art room, in addition to engendering a positive classroom environment and developing team spirit among the participants. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenPublishers Development Corporation. 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. Tel: 866-278-7678; Fax: 858-605-0247; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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