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Autor/inGerwin, David
TitelResponding to a Social Studies Classic--"Decision Making: The Heart of Social Studies Instruction"
QuelleIn: Social Studies, 94 (2003) 1, S.23-27 (5 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Decision Making; Citizenship Education; Conflict; Social Studies; History Instruction; Class Activities; Current Events; Critical Thinking
AbstractIn 1960, Shirley Engle published an article in "Social Education," entitled "Decision Making: The Heart of Social Studies Instruction," that he hoped would end the conflict over a definition of social studies. He argued that social studies instruction should emphasize decision making in two senses: first, as a decision about the meaning of data and how to present it, and second as a policy determination, synthesizing the data but also adding values in order to choose actions. His hope was to resolve the conflict in the field between those who advocated teaching the facts of the past or of any social science discipline and those pushing citizenship education. This article continues a tradition in the journal of revisiting social studies "classics." Gerwin responds to Engle's influential article. Rather than attempt to contribute his own definition of a classic, Gerwin cites historian Eric Foner, who referred to the works of Herbert Aptheker as "essential building blocks of the American historical consciousness as they have it today and so they're classics. Gerwin thinks that Engle's article fails to provide history teachers with much help in balancing study of the past with making policy choices. Gerwin also discusses how Engle's recommendations for teaching social studies can be applied to his own methods. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenHeldref Publications. 1319 Eighteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Tel: 800-365-9753; Tel: 202-296-6267; Fax: 202-293-6130; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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