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Autor/inn/enChoi, Heeseung; Meininger, Janet C.; Roberts, Robert E.
TitelEthnic Differences in Adolescents' Mental Distress, Social Stress, and Resources
QuelleIn: Adolescence (San Diego): an international quarterly devoted to the physiological, psychological, psychiatric, sociological, and educational aspects of the second decade of human life, 41 (2006) 162, S.263-283 (21 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMeasures (Individuals); Hispanic Americans; Asian Americans; Early Adolescents; Ethnicity; Racial Differences; Stress Variables; African Americans; Whites; Coping; Self Esteem; Minority Groups; At Risk Persons; Suicide; Parent Child Relationship; Family Influence; Middle School Students
AbstractLimited data on ethnic group differences among young adolescents exist regarding the prevalence of mental distress, social stress, and resources. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine ethnic differences among African American (AA), European American (EA), Hispanic American (HA), and Asian American adolescents in mental distress, social stress, and resources. A total of 316 adolescents completed the self-administered questionnaire: The DSD, Somatic Symptom Scale, SAFE-C, FES, Coping, and Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale. The findings revealed that (1) Asian Americans and HAs reported significantly higher scores on social stress and mental distress and lower scores on resources than EAs; (2) Compared to EAs, AAs and HAs were more likely to experience social stress (2.2 less than or equal to OR less than or equal to 4.3), and HAs are more likely to have suicidal ideation (OR = 2.04; 95% CI = 1.04--3.98). Findings highlighted the importance of understanding the role of social stress in the development of adolescents' mental distress. Identified ethnic minority adolescents are vulnerable groups who require additional research and attention from health care providers. (Contains 4 tables.) (Author).
AnmerkungenLibra Publishers Inc. 3089C Clairemont Drive PMB 383, San Diego, CA 92117. Tel: 858-571-1414
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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