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Autor/inn/enPfau, Michael; Tusing, Kyle James; Koerner, Ascan F.; Lee, Waipeng; Godbold, Linda C.; Penaloza, Linda J.; Yang, Violet Shu-Huei; Hong, Yah-Huei
TitelEnriching the Inoculation Construct: The Role of Critical Components in the Process of Resistance.
QuelleIn: Human Communication Research, 24 (1997) 2, S.187-215Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAttitude Measures; Cognitive Processes; Communication Research; Higher Education; Persuasive Discourse; Resistance (Psychology)
AbstractTests effectiveness of inoculation treatments on 790 undergraduate students. Probes relationship between threat and involvement, their role in inoculation, and nature of cognitive processes triggered via inoculation. Suggests inoculation elicits threat, threat contributes to resistance, and resistance is most pronounced for more involved receivers and on behalf of more involving topics. Reveals a process more intricate than initially predicted. (PA)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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