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Autor/inDiaz, Sara P.
TitelA Map for Feminist Solidarity: How to Teach about Women of Color and Reproductive Justice in Jesuit WGS Classrooms
QuelleIn: Feminist Teacher: A Journal of the Practices, Theories, and Scholarship of Feminist Teaching, 27 (2016) 1, S.24-46 (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterFeminism; Teaching Methods; Womens Studies; Minority Groups; Females; Religious Education; Church Related Colleges; Catholics; Pregnancy; Ideology; Disadvantaged; Moral Issues; Contraception; Neoliberalism; Social Justice; Racial Bias
AbstractAs women's and gender studies (WGS) is increasingly seen as an indispensable part of the academic landscape, a growing number of professors find themselves teaching WGS at religiously affiliated institutions. After she finished my PhD in feminist studies, the author transitioned into a new job as tenure-track faculty in a women's and gender studies department at a private, Jesuit, historically white university with a liberal arts curriculum, where she found herself wrestling with three important pedagogical questions: (1) How was she to teach about abortion in a way that intellectually engages moral and religious objections? (2) How will she help her racially and economically privileged students critique the individualist, meritocratic, and colorblind ideologies that structure both the world around them and their understanding of it? and (3) How does she teach a truly intersectional course that integrates the lives and experiences of all women, particularly poor women, women of color, women outside the United States, and trans and nonbinary people? Her doctoral training in feminist studies prepared her to answer the second and third of these questions. However, the pervasive assumption that WGS is a secular endeavor has made the first more challenging to tackle (Crowley). (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUniversity of Illinois Press. 1325 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL 61820-6903. Tel: 217-244-0626; Fax: 217-244-8082; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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