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Autor/inMyers, Chloë
TitelTowards a Model of Literacy Learning for Young Augmented Speakers
QuelleIn: Forum on Public Policy Online, 2007 (2007) 1, (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLiteracy Education; Elementary School Students; Speech Impairments; Language Impairments; Augmentative and Alternative Communication; Assistive Technology; Teaching Methods; Intervention; Interpersonal Communication; Skill Development; Self Expression; Help Seeking; Expressive Language; Program Effectiveness; Maintenance; Observation; Student Evaluation; Verbal Ability; Intelligence Tests; Vocabulary; Listening Comprehension Tests; Receptive Language; Reading Skills; Writing Skills; Listening Skills; Phonological Awareness; Reading Comprehension; Questionnaires; Oregon; Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; Preschool Language Scale; Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language
AbstractThe study investigates strategies and contexts for supporting the literacy development of young, augmented speakers, whose difficulties in literacy learning are not explained by their levels of cognition alone. Indeed, quantitative and qualitative differences exist in their literacy experiences at home and school. In this study, four primary school students with severe speech and physical impairments (SSPI) who used augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) aids were selected to take part in a four-week program, followed by four visits to the students' schools where effective instructional strategies and contexts for learning were shared with staff. A thematic approach was employed during intervention to cover known areas of communication difficulty among AAC users and to foster skills in conversational control, self-expression and giving and requesting information. Using these themes, opportunities in literacy were designed with the intention of eliciting active involvement in meaningful, productive and expressive tasks. While the students made significant progress when participating in the program, on return to school success was maintained in only two of the students. Characteristics and contexts of the children whose success was maintained are analyzed to help identify components for a model of language and literacy learning and instruction for young, augmented speakers. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenOxford Round Table. 406 West Florida Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801. Tel: 217-344-0237; Fax: 217-344-6963; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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