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Autor/inBarbieri, Richard
TitelWider than the Sky
QuelleIn: Independent School, 75 (2015) 1
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterBrain; Brain Hemisphere Functions; Neurosciences; Influence of Technology; Retention (Psychology); Cognitive Ability; Cognitive Processes; Multisensory Learning
AbstractMore has been learned about the human brain in the past few decades than in the whole prior history of humanity. In this article Richard Barbieri considers learning and the brain from a few different perspectives. He begins by examining the practice of neuroscience itself and what was understood about the brain before neuroscience. This leads to a discussion of the complementary and conflicting goals of brain study and teaching. The article concludes with a final perspective that there is a possibility that our brains, especially those of younger people, are changing even as we study them. A number of researchers, from Sherry Turkle to Nicholas Carr, have discussed the effects of technology on intellectual and emotional capacities. The latest entry, and one of the best, in this field comes from an exceptional source: Susan Baroness Greenfield, neuroscientist, Alzheimer's researcher, corporate CEO, member of the House of Lords, etc. Rather than issue dire warnings, she simply points to current research and suggests that we probe more deeply into contentious areas before handing our young people over to media that seem to have mixed impacts in areas as disparate as information retention, complex thinking, and social mores. Barbieri sums up that just as the parents of the baby boomers could not have imagined their children's inner and outer environments, one cannot predict what today's students will know about the mind in the coming years and how their learning will change them. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenNational Association of Independent Schools. 1620 L Street NW Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 800-793-6701; Tel: 202-973-9700; Fax: 202-973-9790; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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