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Autor/inn/enGafer, Youser abd Elsalam; Nafee, Houda Mohammed; Pal, Kamlish
TitelThe Effect of Health Education Program for Caregivers on Circumcision Outcome in Neonates and Infants
QuelleIn: Journal of Education and Practice, 6 (2015) 6, S.114-124 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSurgery; Health Education; Caregivers; Neonates; Infants; Randomized Controlled Trials; Interviews; Questionnaires; Knowledge Level; Pretests Posttests; Program Effectiveness; Satisfaction; Statistical Analysis; Parents; Males; Foreign Countries; Nurses; Saudi Arabia
AbstractCircumcision is a surgical excision of the foreskin to the level of the coronal sulcus which may perform in the neonatal period or in later life. Circumcision has many medical benefits such as minimizing urinary tract infection, reduces the incidence of balanitis and enhances of penile hygiene, prevents of penile cancer. However, Circumcision may cause complications such as bleeding, infection, meatitis and adhesions. Some of these complications can be minimized through imparting adequate health education by nursing staff to the caregivers who may influence circumcision outcome. This study aims to identify the effect of health education program for caregivers on circumcision outcome in neonates and infants. Materials and Method: A randomized controlled trial design was used for one month's period. Two tools were used, an interview questionnaire sheet was used to assess all caregivers' knowledge about circumcision before & after implementing the program and a postassessment sheet about circumcision care, circumcision outcome. Result: There was an increased in the total knowledge after health education program compared to total knowledge before implementing the program among study group (3.4 to 0.8) and p < 001. Furthermore, There was significant statistical relation between the study group and the total knowledge score and cosmetic satisfaction score of Co = 0.2. Conclusion: demonstration with written instructions offered to caregivers help in early detection of complication which lead to positive outcome. Recommendation: Health education is a must and should be given by a qualified nurse supported by a simple clear hand out. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenIISTE. No 1 Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR. Tel: +852-39485948; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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