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Autor/inAlhabeeb, Abdurrahman Mohammad
TitelThe Quality Assessment of the Services Offered to the Students of the College of Education at King Saud University Using (SERVQUAL) Method
QuelleIn: Journal of Education and Practice, 6 (2015) 30, S.82-93 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; College Students; Student Personnel Services; Expectation; Student Attitudes; Measures (Individuals); Higher Education; Correlation; Quality Assurance; Statistical Analysis; Saudi Arabia
AbstractThe goal of this study is measuring the level of quality service offered to students at the college of education at King Saud University, specifically the gap between students' perceptions and expectations of the quality of the offered service. The descriptive analytical approach has been applied in the study using SERVQUAL method to collect data from 199 students of the college. Results of the study are: The students' order of these dimensions through their answers is that the trust comes first in the scale of priorities. While responsibility comes last in the scale of priorities. By calculating the difference between the average of expectations as well as perceptions for each aspect, it is found that trust has the highest gap where the expectations level of students has exceeded their perceptions by (1.90). On the other hand, responsibility has the lowest gap, where the level of students' expectations in terms of the responsibility has exceeded their perceptions by (1.01). (As Provided).
AnmerkungenIISTE. No 1 Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR. Tel: +852-39485948; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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