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Autor/inKim, Young-Suk Grace
TitelDo Written Language Bursts Mediate the Relations of Language, Cognitive, and Transcription Skills to Writing Quality?
Quelle(2022), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterWritten Language; Short Term Memory; Attention Control; Writing Skills; Oral Language; Handwriting; Spelling; Writing Evaluation; Elementary School Students; Grade 2; Writing Processes; Writing (Composition); Cognitive Processes
AbstractIn this study, we examined burst length and its relation with working memory, attentional control, transcription skills, discourse oral language, and writing quality, using data from English-speaking children in Grade 2 (N = 177; M[subscript age] = 7.19). Results from structural equation modeling showed that burst length was related to writing quality after accounting for transcription skills, discourse oral language, working memory, and attentional control. Burst length completely mediated the relations of attentional control and handwriting fluency to writing quality, whereas it partially mediated the relations of working memory and spelling to writing quality. Discourse oral language had a suppression effect on burst length but was positively and independently related to writing quality. Working memory had an indirect relation to burst length via transcription skills, whereas attentional control had a direct and indirect relation. These results suggest roles of domain-general cognitions and transcription skills in burst length, and reveal the nature of their relations to writing quality. [This is the online version of an article published in "Written Communication."] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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