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Autor/inn/enPetersen, Amanda J.; MartinRogers, Nicole
InstitutionAmherst H. Wilder Foundation, Wilder Research
TitelFall 2015 Regional PBIS School Status and Training Updates: Summary of Results from School Training and Implementation Fidelity Measures
Quelle(2015), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterPositive Behavior Supports; Program Implementation; Training; Attendance; Satisfaction; Success; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Participation; Adoption (Ideas); Surveys; Fidelity; Minnesota
AbstractThis Fall 2015 school status and training report provides a summary of the current implementation status of schools in training results from the Fall 2015 training surveys. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) and Regional Training Partners (RIPs) sponsor three training sessions per year for schools that are participating in Minnesota's 2-year training sequence for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). This report is intended for all stakeholders to better understand the status of PBIS of schools in training and help to refine training and data reporting. This report summarizes the results of the Fall 2015 training surveys: (1) There are a total of 52 Cohort 10 schools that are in their second year of training; and (2) There are a total of 56 Cohort 11 schools are in their first year of training. As a part of the PBIS evaluation, surveys are conducted with school teams who are participating in the training sequence (one survey was completed per school team). The results of these surveys, attendance records from the RIPs, data system information gathered from the RIPs and from school teams, and data entered for the Team Implementation Checklist (TIC) (Cohort 10 only), Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) (Cohort 11 only), and Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) (both Cohort 10 and 11) are the basis of this report. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenWilder Research. Available from: Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. 451 Lexington Parkway North, Saint Paul, MN 55104. Tel: 651-280-2700; Fax: 651-280-3700; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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