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Autor/inn/enDeGrow, Ben; Klingler, Ronald
InstitutionMackinac Center for Public Policy
TitelThe 2018 Michigan Public High School Context and Performance Report Card
Quelle(2019), (44 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Public Schools; High Schools; Academic Achievement; High School Students; Standardized Tests; Socioeconomic Status; School Effectiveness; Charter Schools; Selective Admission; College Entrance Examinations; Scores; Michigan; SAT (College Admission Test)
AbstractThe 2018 Michigan Public High School Context and Performance Report Card is the fourth edition in a series of analyses designed to measure high school performance. The first report was published in 2012 (ED541512) and was followed by analyses in 2014 (ED560065) and 2016 (ED588530). This report is a school-level assessment of academic performance based on a four-year average of state standardized tests. This report card is unique in that it takes into consideration the socioeconomic status of students when assessing an individual school's performance. The goal of this report card is to better inform the debate around relative school effectiveness and to provide parents, educators and school leaders with a more accurate picture of school performance. This report includes a brief explanation of the data and methodology used to rank schools, as well as more statistical information in adjoining appendices. Selected results are also presented, including the best- and worst-performing high schools in the state according to this analysis. Finally, this report card includes a full list of all the results for every public high school, including their letter grade and statewide percentile rank. [Cover title varies: "The Michigan Context and Performance Report Card: High Schools, 2018."] (As Provided).
AnmerkungenMackinac Center for Public Policy. 140 West Main Street, P.O. Box 568, Midland, MI 48640. Tel: 800-224-3327; Tel: 989-631-0900; Fax: 989-631-0964; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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