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Autor/inSoiferman, L. Karen
TitelThe Art of Asking Questions: What Lessons We Can Teach Our Students
Quelle(2019), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuestioning Techniques; Lecture Method; Teacher Student Relationship; Teaching Methods; Course Content; College Students; College Faculty; Critical Thinking; Textbooks; Reading Processes; Student Attitudes; Fear; Peer Relationship; Academic Ability; Self Concept; Metacognition; Extraversion Introversion; Learner Engagement
AbstractGetting students to ask questions in class, about the content, can be a difficult undertaking especially once students get to university. The nature of the lecture format makes it problematic for students as they often feel like they can't ask questions. When children are small they ask questions all the time. Sometimes we get tired of them asking questions and wish they would stop. Then when they get older they do stop asking questions and I am often disturbed by that in my classes. I want my students to ask questions but they appear to be reluctant to put themselves front and centre by asking questions in class. When students do ask questions they are often of the procedural variety as they attempt to find out information about an assignment. The challenge is to get them to ask questions about the content. This discussion paper focuses on the reasons why students do not ask questions in university and provides some insight on how we can encourage our university level students to ask questions in our classes. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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