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Autor/inn/enKlempin, Serena; Karp, Melinda Mechur
InstitutionColumbia University, Community College Research Center
TitelLeadership for Transformative Change: Lessons from Technology-Mediated Reform in Broad-Access Colleges. CCRC Working Paper No. 8
Quelle(2015), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTransformational Leadership; Higher Education; Equal Education; Organizational Change; Qualitative Research; Case Studies; Educational Change; Technology Uses in Education; Adoption (Ideas); Academic Advising; Community Colleges; Universities; Statistical Analysis; Leadership Styles; Correlation; Computer Mediated Communication; Educational Planning
AbstractCommunity colleges and broad-access four-year institutions have a crucial role to play in increasing educational equity in the United States. In order to fulfill this role, however, institutions must engage in organizational change to address their low completion rates. Drawing on qualitative case studies of six colleges, this study explores the influence of different types of leadership approaches on the implementation of a technology-mediated advising reform, and assesses which types of leadership are associated with transformative organizational change. Expanding on Heifetz's theory of adaptive change and Karp and Fletcher's Readiness for Technology Adoption framework, we find that transformative change requires multitiered leadership with a unified commitment to a shared vision for the reform and its goals. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenCommunity College Research Center. Available from: CCRC Publications. Teachers College, Columbia University, 525 West 120th Street Box 174, New York, NY 10027. Tel: 212-678-3091; Fax: 212-678-3699; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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