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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enDentith, Audrey M.; Arreguin, Analisa; Gann, Linda; Gibbens, Cynthia; Gonzales, Jacqueline L.; McKenzie-Davis, Jamie; Kumar, Tracey; Meyer, Holly; Rico, Geneva M.; Robbins, Maryland; Root, Debra
TitelFrom Internationalization to Cosmopolitanism: Educators Taking the Global Turn
Quelle(2012), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterGraduate Students; Student Experience; Adult Students; International Education; Curriculum Development; Ideology; Global Approach; Neoliberalism; Transformative Learning; Constructivism (Learning); Empowerment; Power Structure; Beliefs
AbstractThis paper describes research conducted on the experiences of students enrolled in a graduate course that sought ways to internationalize the curriculum in K-12, higher education and community venues. The theoretical frame, curricular and instructional processes are described. Data was collected from students enrolled in the course from end-of-course reflective narratives and are included here. Fourteen students (100%) submitted reflective narratives for analysis. The course was held in the Fall semester, 2011 in a large Southern public university. The course was organized within an ideological approach, in which major theoretical constructs of globalization, post-colonialism, neoliberalism, and cosmopolitanism formed the central organizing content of the curriculum. The all-female group had diverse identities/backgrounds and a wide array of career interests and work responsibilities. Each class participant is an educator, working in some capacity across a broad spectrum of the educational field, ranging from pre-school through elder care. Data gathered from final student reflections was coded and comparative analysis generated themes across two separate meetings held one month after the course ended. Themes identified among the participants included: 1) confronting and negotiating knowledge; 2) intellectualism and empowerment of ideas; 3) curriculum & learning formats; and, 4) learning power relations. The exploration of learning and self-reflection among these adult educators widened their thinking about the value and purpose of ideological study and offered opportunities to engage in and evaluate a format of sustained study on global, international and cosmopolitan issues. Recommendations include more concerted discussion in higher education regarding the content, purpose and outcomes of international graduate work among students in education. Additional similar studies need to take place and more systematic research on student outcomes needs to be incorporated into subsequent research. The full paper was completed March 1, 2012 and was presented at the International Conference of Cultural and Social Aspects of Research on March 22, 2012 in San Antonio, TX at the University of the Incarnate Word. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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