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Autor/inPulley, John
InstitutionLumina Foundation for Education
TitelOff the Charts. Lumina Foundation Focus[TM]. Spring 2010
Quelle(2010), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStudent Records; Data Collection; Data Analysis; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Educational Trends; Educational Policy; Privacy; Labor Force Development; Alignment (Education); Dropouts; Educational Attainment; Information Systems; California; Kentucky; North Carolina; Texas; Washington
AbstractInstitutions--even entire sectors of the education system--too often operate independently of each other, maintaining discrete student-record systems. This makes it difficult to trace a student's progress through higher education and into the workforce--and that disconnection hampers efforts to improve the system. Only by systematically collecting and analyzing student-performance data can experts pinpoint where and why students drop out, devise ways to improve their performance, and thus enhance their chances of success. Fortunately, some states and institutions are looking closely at the numbers and using them systematically to guide their improvement efforts. Without doubt, this drive to collect, analyze, use and share student-performance data is accelerating nationally. This issue of "Lumina Foundation Focus" highlights the trends--and trendsetters--in this vital area. Organizations such as the Data Quality Campaign, the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems and the State Higher Education Executive Officers association have long championed this effort. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenLumina Foundation for Education. P.O. Box 1806, Indianapolis, IN 46206-1806. Tel: 800-834-5756; Fax: 317-951-5063; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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