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Autor/inn/enCartwright, Dennis D.; Blacklock, Karen K.
TitelTeacher Work Samples & Struggling Readers: Impacting Student Performance & Candidate Dispositions.
Quelle(2003), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Internship Programs; Preservice Teacher Education; Reading Difficulties; Reading Instruction; Reading Skills; Student Teachers; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Expectations of Students
AbstractThis study reports positive impacts of a modified version of the teacher work sample on performance of struggling K-12 readers and on the dispositions of interns who worked with them. The participants included 55 university students in a year-long, senior-level internship and 55 elementary students identified as struggling readers. The intervention occurred over 12 weeks as part of a reading methods class. The intervention was designed by the interns after using a variety of classroom reading assessments to diagnose the areas in which the struggling readers needed help. Struggling reader progress was measured by comparing posttest to pretest scores. Because of the variety of assessment instruments used, only samples of raw data are reported for struggling readers. Interns completed a questionnaire measuring dispositions toward teaching struggling readers before and after the intervention. Disposition data were analyzed using a matched pair t test. Significant changes in dispositions were reported. (Contains 9 references.)(SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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