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Sonst. PersonenGlass, Gene V. (Hrsg.)
TitelEducation Policy Analysis Archives, 2001: Numbers 46-51.
Quelle9 (2001) 46-51, (102 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Policy; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Information Technology; School Choice; Sex Discrimination; Standards
AbstractThis document consists of articles 46 through 51 published in the electronic journal Education Policy Analysis Archives for the year 2001: (46) Second Year Analysis of a Hybrid Schedule High School (James B. Shreiber, William R. Veal, David J. Flinders, and Sherry Churchill; (47) Knowledge Management for Educational Information Systems: What Is the State of the Field? (Christopher A. Thorn); (48) Information Technology and the Goals of Standards-Based Instruction: Advances and Continuing Challenges (Douglas A. Archbald); (49) Computing Experience and Good Practices in Undergraduate Education: Does the Degree of Campus Wiredness Matter? (Shouping Hu and George D. Kuh); (50) School Choice Polices in the Political Spectacle (Linda Miller-Kahn and Mary Lee Smith) and (51) Gender Barriers in Higher Education: The Case of Taiwan (Ru-jer Wang). (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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