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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenScofield, Richard T. (Hrsg.)
TitelSchool-Age NOTES, 2001-2002.
Quelle22 (2002) 1-12, (98 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAfter School Education; After School Programs; Art Activities; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; Enrichment Activities; Hispanic American Culture; Holidays; Homeless People; Middle School Students; Newsletters; Play; Staff Development; Summer Programs; Terrorism
AbstractThis document is comprised of the 12 monthly issues of a newsletter providing support and information for providers of child care for school-age children. The featured articles for each month are: (1) "Hispanic Heritage Month: Activity Ideas To Celebrate Hispanic Culture" (September); (2) "Borders: Finding Your Program's Niche" (October); (3) "Talking to School-Age Children about Tragedy: Facing the Aftermath of New York and Washington" (November); (4) "December Dilemma: The Facts about the Traditions" (December); (5) "How Many After-School Programs in Public Schools? Principal's Survey Adds Confusion" (January); (6) "YMCA's and School-Age Care: Curriculum and Programming" (February); (7) "Promising Practices: Using the Good To Get the Best" (March); (8) "Training New Staff: How To Have a Great First Day" (April); (9) "10 Tips for a Successful Summer" (May); (10) "Academics or Social Play? The Continuing Debate" (June); (11) "Weightlifting, Cooking and Canoe-Making: Finding Activities for Middle-School Kids" (July); and (12) "Handling 'No-Shows': What To Do When a Child Doesn't Arrive" (August). Regular features in the newsletter include activity suggestions, information on conferences and resources, and editorials. (KB)
AnmerkungenSchool-Age NOTES, P.O. Box 40205, Nashville, TN 32704 (12-issue subscription, $26.95). Tel: 800-410-8780 (Toll Free); Tel: 615-279-0700; Fax: 615-279-0800; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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