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Autor/inStevenson, Nancy Hargis
InstitutionOregon Dept. of Community Colleges and Workforce Development, Salem.
TitelCommunity College Handbook: State Approval Requirements and Procedures for Degrees, Programs, Courses, and Instructors. October 2001 Edition.
Quelle(2001), (137 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Standards; Certification; Community Colleges; Curriculum Design; Curriculum Development; Degree Requirements; Degrees (Academic); Educational Policy; Educational Principles; Instructional Development; Qualifications; Special Degree Programs; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThis handbook is designed to help curriculum managers at Oregon's community colleges understand the State Board of Education criteria and processes that support the continued expansion and improvement of instruction. It outlines approval requirements and procedures for Oregon community college associate degrees, certificates of completion, programs, and courses, as well as the revision of approved programs and courses. The State Board of Education had approved all Oregon community colleges to offer the Associate of Arts-Oregon Transfer (AA-OT) degree. The AA-OT degree is intended to prepare students to transfer into upper division baccalaureate courses. The AA-OT degree requires a minimum of 90 credits, of which at least 58 must conform to the general education and distribution requirements. Most community colleges are also authorized to offer the Associate of Science (AS), the Associate of General Studies (AGS), and the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees. The handbook offers guidelines for gaining State Board of Education program approval. Guidelines are based on 10 steps, including the following: (1) the community college must determine the need for and their capacity to offer a new program or an existing program in a new location; and (2) the community college must complete a Notice of Intent to Apply for a New Program/Location. Appended are: Community Colleges and Workforce Development (CCWD) Organizational Framework; Statewide Community College Committees and Organizations; Oregon Department of Education (ODE) Organization Chart; Forms and Instructions; Advertising Do's and Don'ts; Oregon Community Colleges Workforce Course and Program Approval Matrix; and the State Course Numbering System. A state staff directory, a list of references and resources, a list of acronyms, a glossary, and an index are also included. (NB)
AnmerkungenCommunity Colleges and Workforce Development, Public Service Building, 255 Capitol Street NE, Salem, OR 97310. Tel: 503-378-8648; Fax: 503-378-8434; Web site: http://www. For full text:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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