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Autor/inRoss, Jo-Ellen
TitelWater-Based Outdoor Recreation and Persons with Disabilities.
Quelle(2001), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccessibility (for Disabled); Assistive Devices (for Disabled); Attitudes toward Disabilities; Camping; Federal Legislation; Normalization (Disabilities); Outdoor Activities; Outdoor Education; Recreational Activities; Recreational Facilities; Rehabilitation; Swimming; Vocabulary
AbstractPeople with disabilities have long been hindered from participating in outdoor recreation activities such as fishing and boating because of structural and social barriers. Within the past decade, significant progress has been made toward including people with disabilities in outdoor recreation programs and improving access to related facilities and lands. Important terminology, federal legislation, and leisure studies related to people with disabilities are summarized. Using appropriate terminology conveys a sense of inclusion for programs and facilities. People-first terminology is positive and humanizing because it focuses on the person rather than the disability. Understanding and meeting legal requirements for access to programs, facilities, and services by people with disabilities will further ensure an inclusive environment. Guidelines for outdoor education and outdoor recreation programs include training staff, having a certified therapeutic recreation specialist available as a consultant, collaborating with special educators, providing support staff, including persons with disabilities on the staff, and involving persons with disabilities in the design and implementation of programs. Finally, research on people with disabilities shows they have the same motivations and educational needs as others participating in outdoor recreation activities. By using assistive devices and some additional planning, boating, fishing, and stewardship education programs can become inclusive and provide benefits to all segments of the population. Exemplary programs are identified, and research recommendations are discussed. (Contains 41 references.) (TD)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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