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Autor/inn/enMurphy, Tim H.; Lindner, James R.
TitelBuilding and Supporting Online Learning Environments through Web Course Tools: It Is Whippy, but Does It Work?
Quelle(2001), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Computer Assisted Instruction; Computer Uses in Education; Educational Technology; Higher Education; Instructional Materials; Online Systems; Student Attitudes; Student Reaction; Undergraduate Study; World Wide Web
AbstractThis study describes and explores student perceptions regarding the use of WebCT in building and supporting online learning communities (a practical application). Participants were all students enrolled in "AGED 440: Principles of Technological Change," an undergraduate level course at Texas A&M University. Objectives were to describe and explore: (1) how WebCT has or has not contributed to success; whether students used online access to course materials; whether students accessed and tracked their grades and progress online; whether students created an online learning environment between and among themselves and other students in the course; and students' overall perceptions of the use of WebCT. Findings from this study indicate that WebCT contributes to student success. This success, however, is hampered when students do not have easy access to reliable computers with high-speed access to the Internet. Although course materials were available online, students tended to rely on traditional print material over WebCT delivered course materials. WebCT's function for accessing tracking grades and progress online was used more by students than any other function. Students did not or were not able to take advantage of WebCT's function to enhance their learning by creating student centered online learning environments. Students' overall perceptions of WebCT were positive. However, teachers need to recognize and make alternative options for students not willing or unable to use WebCT. (AEF)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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