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Autor/inSchiller, Zach
InstitutionPolicy Matters Ohio
TitelCleveland School Vouchers: Where the Students Come from.
Quelle(2001), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Finance; Educational Vouchers; Elementary Secondary Education; Private Schools; School Choice; State Aid
AbstractThis report presents data on the Ohio Department of Education's Cleveland Scholarship and Tutoring program, examining where students who receive school vouchers attended school before entering the program. Overall, 33 percent of these students previously attended private schools, and 21 percent previously attended Cleveland public schools. The rest enrolled as kindergartners or came from elsewhere. There were 3,741 students eligible for the vouchers, 1,234 of whom had previously attended private schools, 801 of whom had attended Cleveland public schools, and 1,706 of whom entered in kindergarten or came from elsewhere. Of the 1,706 students, at least 216 had attended preschool at private schools now participating in the voucher program, 758 were entering kindergarten, about 713 went to other preschools or day care programs, 15 had attended public schools or public preschools in another city, and 4 were home schooled. Parents were more likely to use vouchers when their children were first entering school. About 39 percent of students receiving aid came from private schools. The voucher program, which began in 1996-97, provides up to $2,250 per student to attend one of 51 private schools. Participants are selected by lottery. Ohio spent nearly $7.7 million on the program on the year ending June 30. (SM)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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