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Autor/inUren, Judith
TitelImproving Completion Rates for TAFE Students.
Quelle(2001), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Persistence; Developed Nations; Educational Research; Foreign Countries; Full Time Students; High Risk Students; Job Training; Multivariate Analysis; Part Time Students; Postsecondary Education; Qualitative Research; School Holding Power; Services; Student Attitudes; Student Attrition; Student Motivation; Student School Relationship; Technical Education; Vocational Education; Withdrawal (Education); Australia
AbstractA study examined individual student, institutional, and environmental factors influencing student non-completions and determined strategies that Western Australia's Central TAFE (technical and further education) might introduce to improve student retention. After completing a multivariate analysis of module completion rates, further data for a qualitative analysis were gathered using eight focus groups, 15 individual telephone interviews, and a self-completion survey. Focus group discussions indicated the primary reason for participants' withdrawal was declining personal motivation and lessened commitment to class attendance and completion of course of study. Younger participants were affected by the gap between expectations and reality of attending the course and a lack of clarity in terms of personal goals. Part-time participants were dissatisfied with their course of study, content, and way it was taught. Withdrawing students named these major reasons for withdrawing: changed career plans; acceptance at an alternative training provider; full-time employment; no time to study; and difficulty with the workload. Suggested strategies to apply to at-risk students and courses were improved pre-enrollment information; selection interviews; comprehensive student orientation program; processes to follow up on students who withdraw; contact students who miss a specific number of classes; provide students with notes from missed classes; and referral. (YLB)
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Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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