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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenOwens, Heather (Hrsg.); Thompson, Carole (Hrsg.)
TitelProceedings of the Pennsylvania Adult and Continuing Education Research Conference (5th, Indiana, Pennsylvania, March 17, 2001).
Quelle(2001), (109 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; Adult Education; Adult Learning; Adult Literacy; Adult Students; Basic Skills; Battered Women; Beliefs; Cancer; Case Studies; Comparative Analysis; Continuing Education; Distance Education; Educational Attitudes; Educational Environment; Educational Research; Educational Technology; Faculty Development; Family Literacy; Family Violence; Focus Groups; Food Service; Health Personnel; Higher Education; Hispanic Americans; Hospitality Occupations; Hotels; Information Sources; Internship Programs; Job Training; Literacy Education; Literature Reviews; Participation; Patient Education; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Qualitative Research; Religious Organizations; Research Methodology; Sex Differences; Student Attitudes; Theory Practice Relationship; Womens Education; Pennsylvania
AbstractThis document contains papers from a Pennsylvania conference on adult and continuing education research. The following papers are included: "Violence against Women: Looking behind the Mask of Incarcerated Batterers" (Irene C. Baird); "Refocusing Faculty Development: The View from an Adult Learning Perspective" (Patricia A. Lawler, Kathleen P. King); "Living and Learning with HIV/AIDS: Transformational Tales Continued" (Lisa M. Baumgartner); "Gender Differences in Distance Education and Technology: Familiarity, Comfortability, and Receptivity in the Hotel and Restaurant Industry" (David S. Bender, James A. Bardi); "Using Qualitative Case Study to Evaluate a Pre-employment Training Program for Adults" (Susan C. Biro); "Assessing the Effectiveness of a Faith-Based Learning Environment for Adults: A Case Study and Comparative Analysis" (Anthony L. Blair); "Evaluating the Value of Internships for Adult Learners" (Gary J. Dean, Kurt P. Dudt); "The Value of Higher Education: A Latino Perspective" (Denise K. Hay); "The Intricacies of Initiate-Response-Evaluate in Adult Literacy Education" (Patsy Medina); "Where Cancer Patients Receive Information: A Comparative Study with Patients and the Perception of Health Care Professionals" (Eileen Milakovic); "Adult Students Speak Out; A Focus Group Research Project" (Sherry Miller Brown); "Identifying the State of the Art: Measures Used to Assess Adult Learners in Even Start Family Literacy Programs" (Joe Norden Jr., Gary J. Dean); "Family Literacy and Adult Education: Informing Practices That Encourage Participation" (Stephanie Wexler-Robock, Kathleen P. King); and "More Than Just Reading and Math: Women in Adult Basic Education" (Lisa J. Wright, Kathleen P. King). Most papers include substantial bibliographies. (MN)
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