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InstitutionDepartment of Education, Washington, DC.
TitelA Forum To Expand Advanced Placement Opportunities: Increasing Access and Improving Preparation in High Schools. Strategies To Overcome Challenges in Rural and Small Schools. Transcript of Proceedings (Washington, D.C., February 11, 2000).
Quelle(2000), (98 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Advanced Courses; Advanced Placement; Change Strategies; College Preparation; Curriculum Development; Educational Improvement; Educational Opportunities; Excellence in Education; High Schools; Rural Schools; Secondary School Curriculum; Small Schools
AbstractThis transcript reproduces a Department of Education/College Board sponsored discussion on ways to expand advanced placement (AP) opportunities in high schools. The deliberations opened with a presentation by Phil Chavez, an assistant principal in San Antonio, Texas, who outlined the genesis and development of the AP program in his predominantly Hispanic high school. He discussed the importance of interschool collaboration, the use of vertical teams, and the need to train teachers for these courses. The next speaker, Rex Bolinger, a high-school principal in Angola, Indiana, described the origins of his school's academic excellence and the emphasis on partnerships, technology, and AP courses. He detailed collaborative efforts with the local university and the need to include other schools in the community in AP programs. Next, Bob Moses, Director of the Algebra Project, discussed the Young People's Project, an initiative that turned Mississippi's middle-school students into leaders. He also described the Algebra Project and how it motivates middle-school students to prepare for high school. The final speaker, Diana Kraus, an AP English teacher at a high school in Tomson, Maine, described the need to teach students study skills and the importance of a supportive program. (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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