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Autor/inGould, Lois M.
TitelAnalyzing Early Conceptual Change Processes through Students' Reflective Writing.
Quelle(2000), (31 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAttitude Change; Developmental Stages; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Portfolio Assessment; Preservice Teacher Education; Student Teacher Attitudes; Student Teachers; Writing Skills
AbstractThis study analyzed preservice teachers' personal written reflections in order to better understand their individual perspectives on their learning and growth during the early phases of the learning to teach experience. The study investigated students' perceptions of the transformative process during an introductory course, Classroom Processes and Instruction, focusing on what could be learned about preservice teachers' reflective orientations and implications for program development in early stages of the learning to teach process. At the end of the semester, students were invited to be a part of the study. Student volunteers completed a questionnaire asking for biographical information. Study data came from students' final reflective essay, which highlighted how they changed their views about teaching during the course. They were asked to include documents to support their assertions. Researchers assigned the students to a level depending on the quality of their writing. Results indicated that the preservice teachers were at very different levels or stages of development, and they took very different meanings from their educative experiences. (Contains 45 references.) (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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