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Autor/inFarquhar, Sarah
TitelAre Male Teachers Really Necessary?
Quelle(1997), (9 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Elementary Education; Elementary School Teachers; Foreign Countries; Males; Preschool Education; Preschool Teachers; Social Attitudes; Teacher Recruitment; Teacher Role; Teacher Selection; Teacher Student Relationship; Teacher Supply and Demand; Teaching (Occupation); New Zealand
AbstractThere are currently no significant policies or programs to address the underrepresentation of males in the early childhood and primary education teaching profession in New Zealand. This paper examines the reasons for male underrepresentation and presents arguments for and against the employment of male teachers in these fields. Reasons cited for the dearth of male teachers include the media spotlight on allegations of sexual abuse of children; the stereotype of child care as women's work and labeling of men caregivers as homosexual or not "real men"; and the low wages, low social status, and small career structure within the field. Arguments in favor of increasing the number of male teachers in early childhood education relate to the impact of male teachers on children's activities, interactions, and learning; and men's need to be allowed to take responsibility for children and to be seen to be involved in children's care. Arguments against the employment of male teachers in early childhood relate to the possibility of child abuse, the ability of women to show masculine traits, and the tendency of male teachers to be principals-in-training. The paper concludes that the dearth of male teachers is a problems and that it should be addressed. Vigorous debate on the problem, facilitated by the media, is needed to challenge social views on the appropriateness of men as teachers of young children. Employers and training providers must join with policy makers and administrators to develop a nationally coordinated approach to obtaining and retaining male teachers. Contains 31 references. (KB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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