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Sonst. PersonenChawla, Sarita (Hrsg.); Renesch, John (Hrsg.)
TitelLearning Organizations. Developing Cultures for Tomorrow's Workplace.
Quelle(1995), (547 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Learning; Case Studies; Change Strategies; Education Work Relationship; Job Enrichment; Learning Processes; Learning Theories; Organizational Change; Organizational Climate; Organizational Development; Teaching Methods; Work Environment
AbstractThis anthology contains 32 essays: "Beginner's Mind" (Sarita Chawla);"Communities of Commitment: The Heart of Learning Organizations" (Fred Kofman, Peter Senge); "Managing the Dream" (Charles Handy); "Ahead of the Wave: Valuing Gender Perspective in Learning Cultures" (Marilynne Anderson); "Mastering Change" (Rosabeth Moss Kanter); "The Renaissance of Learning in Business" (John W. Thompson); "The Transformational Leader: The Wellspring of the Learning Organization" (Jayme Rolls); "Why Smart Organizations Don't Learn" (Lisa J. Marshall et al.);"Stories for Learning: Exploring Your Circumstance" (Diane Cory, Paula Underwood); "The Seventh Story: Extending Learning Organizations Far beyond the Business" (Barbara Shipka); "Dialogue: Capacities and Stories" (Judy Brown); "Mindshift: Strategic Dialogue for Breakthrough Thinking" (Sherrin Bennett, Juanita Brown); "Language as Action: Linking Metaphors with Organization Transformation" (Susan J. Bethanis); "Generative Coaching: A Surprising Learning Odyssey" (Kendall Murphy); "Building Learning Laboratories to Create More Effective Distributed Decision Making" (W. Brian Kreutzer); "FASTBreak(TM): A Facilitation Approach to Systems Thinking Breakthroughs" (David P. Kreutzer); "The DNA of the Learning Organization" (Robert Dilworth); "Wisdom at Work: An Inquiry into the Dimensions of Higher Order Learning" (Joel Levey, Michelle Levey);"Learning Communities: An Alternative to the 'Expert Model'" (Stephanie Ryan); "Learning Out of Context" (Eric Edwards Vogt); "Vitalizing Work Design: Implementing a Developmental Philosophy" (Carol Sanford); "Development Strategies for the Knowledge Era" (Linda E. Morris); "The Faster Learning Organization (FLO)" (Bob Guns); "Managerial Practice Fields: Infrastructures of a Learning Organization" (Daniel H. Kim); "Learning as an Organization: A Journey into Chaos" (David R. Schwandt); "The Challenge of Stewardship: Building Learning Organizations in Healthcare" (Alain Gauthier); "Restructuring Education: Designing Tomorrow's Workplace" (John H. Wood); "Transforming Mental Models through Formal and Informal Learning: A Guide for Workplace Educators" (Robert Weintraub); "Leadership, Quality, and the U.S. Navy" (Robert L. Masten); "Organizational Learning: Medical Metaphor and Corporate Practice" (Alan K. Graham); "Shared Values: Nutrients for Learning" (Frank Hoffmann, Bill Withers); "Creating a Learning Organization by Accident" (Mary Byrd); "Beyond Ego to Wisdom: The Eicher Experience" (Dinesh Chandra); and "Reflections of Learning from a Gathering" (Sarita Chawla). Appendixes contain 346 recommending readings, author addresses, and an index. (YLB)
AnmerkungenProductivity Press, P.O. Box 13390, Portland, OR 97213-0390; telephone: 800-394-6286; fax: 800-394-6286; e-mail:;
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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