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Autor/inn/enYoung, Donald B.; Pottenger, Francis M.
InstitutionHawaii Univ., Honolulu. Curriculum Research and Development Group.
TitelWater Resource Management. [Student Guide] and Teacher's Guide.
Quelle(1992), (198 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Community Problems; Ecology; Environmental Education; Groundwater; Intermediate Grades; Investigations; Junior High Schools; Learning Activities; Middle Schools; Physical Sciences; Scientific Concepts; Simulation; Social Problems; Units of Study; Water Pollution; Water Quality; Water Resources; Water Treatment; Wetlands
AbstractThis student guide and accompanying teacher's guide are a product of the Foundational Approaches in Science Teaching (FAST) curriculum development project at the University of Hawaii. In the teaching guide, the introduction gives a description of the underlying theory and practice in FAST and includes the FAST instructional model, descriptions of FAST courses, a conceptual framework of the local environment, a schedule and sequence of the units, a description of FAST instructional materials, and a safety advisory. Both the student and teacher guides are made up of eight investigations separated into three sections. In Section A, "Water in My Community," students investigate the water cycle, uses of water, the distribution of water, and local resources related to water resource management. In Section B, "Monitoring Water Quality," students investigate testing water quality, purifying water, and managing water resources. In Section C, "Making Decisions," students simulate the planning of a community in which the dominant feature of the area is a marsh. In the teacher's guide, each investigation includes the following sections: review, introduction of new work, student activities, summary, challenge, rationale, overview, materials, and notes. In the student guide, each investigation may contain the following sections: background information, activity, materials, procedure, summary, and challenge. Concluding the teacher's guide are visual aid and student record book masters. (MDH)
AnmerkungenFoundational Approaches in Science Teaching (FAST) Project, Curriculum Research and Development Group, University of Hawaii, 1776 University Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96822.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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