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Autor/inn/enMcNeill, Barry W.; Bellamy, Lynn
InstitutionArizona State Univ., Tempe, Coll. of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
TitelCurriculum Development, Design, Specification and Assessment and Supplemental Materials.
Quelle(1994), (394 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Active Learning; Cognitive Processes; Cognitive Style; College Instruction; Competency Based Education; Curriculum Design; Curriculum Development; Educational Objectives; Engineering Education; Higher Education; Outcomes of Education; Small Group Instruction; Student Evaluation; Teacher Workshops; Teaching Methods; Teamwork
AbstractThis document consists of a workshop presentation on curriculum development, design, specification, and assessment in the engineering classroom. Ten sessions focus on: (1) the format and purpose of the workshop, which is designed to help instructors develop an understanding of the basic principles of curriculum and instruction and the ability to apply these principles to the development, design, specification, and assessment of a curriculum or course; (2) cognitive aspects of learning science; (3) the state of instruction in the engineering sciences and definitions of learning; (4) the elements of learning systems, learning styles, and taxonomies of learning; (5) educational states evaluation exercises; (6) educational goals and competencies; (7) past, present, and future classroom structures; (8) the classification of outcomes and competencies, as well as curriculum and course design; (9) the transformation of goals and outcomes into competencies; and (10) sequencing competencies. An appendix contains outlines of various cognitive models. A supplementary volume contains sample competency matrices, a guide to self-evaluation and documentation of educational states, a guide to the documentation of technical work, learning structures for students, excerpts from "Cognitive Aspects of Learning Science" (Jose Mestre), a collection of information on change in education, and four papers on intellectual development and student assessment. (MDM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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