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Autor/inFletcher, Karen
InstitutionDenver Public Schools, CO.
TitelCustomer Service/Telephone Communications.
Quelle(1994), (65 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Behavioral Objectives; Communication Skills; Conflict Resolution; Learning Activities; Learning Modules; Listening Skills; Manufacturing Industry; Telephone Usage Instruction; Workplace Literacy; Workshops
AbstractThis document is the facilitator's edition of a curriculum designed to be presented as a four-session workshop for customer service and credit department employees of a manufacturing company. It was developed by educators from the Emily Griffith Opportunity School. The workshop is designed around a basic communication model incorporating the three components of listening, discussing, and acting. It reviews communication skills that workshop participants may already have and offers strategies that may be used in more complicated situations. All of the materials and learning activities presented are applicable to both telephone and face-to-face communication and are designed to reinforce listening and conflict resolution skills. Each of the 4 workshop sessions included is designed to be competed in 2 hours. The primary objectives of the four sessions are as follows: identify communication difficulties and introduce the basic communication model; define and practice "active" listening techniques; identify and practice discussion/problem-solving strategies, including effective responses to criticism; and identify and practice techniques to conclude conversations, follow through on promised actions, and resolve conflict. Each section contains some or all of the following: objective, list of materials needed, detailed outline of procedures for facilitators to use in conducting activities, student handouts, and flipcharts. (MN)
AnmerkungenEmily Griffith Opportunity School, 1250 Welton Street, Denver, CO 80204 ($18.20).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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