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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enJacobs, John R.; Bovasso, Gregory
TitelTypes of Depersonalization and their Relation to Severity of Psychopathology.
Quelle(1994), (26 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAlienation; Behavior; Behavior Disorders; College Students; Defense Mechanisms; Emotional Response; Higher Education; Personality Problems; Personality Studies; Psychopathology; Self Concept; Self Congruence; Withdrawal (Psychology)
AbstractDepersonalization and the correct identification of the symptoms of depersonalization remain a source of controversy in psychiatry. For this study, 232 university students (75 percent women) answered questions on the Differential Personality Inventory. Five types of depersonalization experiences, based on earlier scales, were then used to cluster subjects into six groups. Four relatively small groups, which experienced regular depersonalization experiences, included the Derealized, the Self-negating, the Body-detached, and the Profoundly Depersonalized. The fifth group, the Fleetingly Depersonalized, and the sixth group, the Non-depersonalized, constituted 25 percent and 50 percent of the population, respectively. Two discriminant functions, which were analyzed, helped predict group membership three times better than chance predictions. The first function differentiated the groups along a continuum of general pathological severity. The second function more specifically separated the groups based on disorganized thinking. The results support the validity of a multidimensional depersonalization construct. Furthermore, the results may aid clinicians' differentiation of their patients along a continuum of pathological severity based on patient reports of the type and frequency of depersonalization experiences. Four tables present statistical results. Contains 31 references. (RJM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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