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Autor/inMutchler, Sue E.
InstitutionSouthwest Educational Development Lab., Austin, TX.
TitelYear-Round Education.
QuelleIn: SEDL Insights, (1993) 2, S.1-3 (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Economic Impact; Elementary Secondary Education; Family School Relationship; Flexible Scheduling; Nontraditional Education; School Schedules; Year Round Schools
AbstractThis publication describes the issues pertinent to year-round education (YRE). YRE addresses two key problems: (1) making efficient use of current school facilities; and (2) maximizing student learning outcomes. The various forms for implementing YRE at the local level--pilot schools, schools-within-a-school, plan-within-a-plan, and paired and clustered schools--are highlighted. Proponents argue that YRE results in more efficient use of school facilities, improved student and teacher attendance, fewer student discipline problems, and less stressful teaching conditions. Management problems, however, involve the following areas: coordinating the school schedule with student teacher schedules, coordinating the school schedule with family schedules, scheduling personnel meetings; administrator fatigue, longterm planning for the instructional program; and startup expenditures. Policy makers should also consider YRE's potential impact on school finances, student achievement, and families and communities. (LMI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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