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Autor/inn/enCash, Robin; und weitere
TitelReinventing Community by Changing the Academic Calendar: Changing Time and the Consequences.
Quelle(1993), (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; College Administration; College Environment; College Faculty; College Freshmen; College Planning; College Students; Curriculum Design; Extended School Year; Extracurricular Activities; Higher Education; Liberal Arts; Scheduling; School Schedules; Space Utilization; Teacher Student Relationship; Year Round Schools
AbstractThe new year-round calendar implemented at Western State College (Colorado) is described, and the corresponding changes in curriculum and facility use are highlighted. The Western Scholars Year, with four alternating 12-week and 8-week terms, replaces the traditional 16-week semester schedule. Regular academic courses are scheduled over four terms. All freshmen attend the fall, winter, and spring terms, but thereafter can select their preferred terms. Courses are more intensive and calls for more interaction between faculty and students. Wednesdays are free for scheduling alternative academic or non-academic activities. The new schedule allows for a variety of course designs and schedules, including traditional, block, and cluster courses. The freshman studies program, characterized by a learner-centered and interactive approach, advising and other support services, a residential living program, and cooperative and experiential learning, evolved with the new schedule. Classrooms were also reconfigured for interactive teaching and scheduled more efficiently because of the new calendar. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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