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Sonst. PersonenKarwin, Thomas J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCalifornia State Univ., Long Beach.
TitelBeyond the Handshakes: An Examination of University-School Collaboration.
Quelle(1992), (403 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; College School Cooperation; Cultural Influences; Educational Change; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Institutional Cooperation; Partnerships in Education; Professional Development; Program Design; Program Development; Program Effectiveness; School Business Relationship; Teacher Education; California
AbstractThe California Academic Partnership Program (called CAPP-Eisenhower in recognition of the act of Congress that funded the program) was established in 1983 to facilitate collaboration between secondary and postsecondary institutions. This volume, the program's final product, offers 16 papers in 3 sections, providing, respectively, highlights of the project's September 1990 "kick-off" conference, selected papers from the field, and case studies of the project's model partnerships. Following a foreword by J. Myron Atkin and a preface by Frank Young, Section I provides a summary of the conference and the following three conference papers: "Underrepresented Students: Our Diverse Population" (Eugene Garcia); "Academic and Corporate Partnerships in the 1990s" (Mark Edelstein); and"Academic, Business and Corporate Partnerships" (Joseph Oakley). Section II, "Key Aspects of Academic Partnerships," presents papers and commentary that consider academic collaboration under seven headings: Culture Gap, Educational Research, Business-School Collaboration, Teacher Education, Professional Development, Change, and Future. Papers are: "The Partnership Terrain" (Louis S. Albert); "School-University Collaboration: Why It's Multicultural Education" (Susan M. Brookhart and William E. Loadman); "Research and the Renewal of Education" (National Academy of Education); "What Business Can Do To Achieve Educational Change in a Community" (Frank Newman); "Business/School Partnerships: A Path to Effective School Restructuring" (Diana W. Rigden); "What College and University Leaders Can Do To Help Change Teacher Education" (Phyllis J. Edmundson); "What Business Leaders Can Do To Help Change Teacher Education" (Diana W. Rigden); "How Mathematics Content Courses Must Change in Light of Technology and the NCTM Curriculum Standards" (M. Montgomery and others); "Research on Professional Development Schools" (Jane A. Stallings and Theodore Kowalski); "Collaborative Professional Development: A Case Study on Teacher Professional Development Through School-College Collaboration" (Nancy E. Adelman); "The Rand Change Agent Study Revisited: Macro Perspectives and Micro Realities" (Milbrey W. McLaughlin); and "The Future of School-University Partnerships" (John I. Goodall and Kenneth A. Sirotnik). This section also includes an annotated list of selected readings. The final section headed "Case Studies CAPP's Model Partnership Projects," presents an action research component which examined the processes, impacts and outcomes within and across the five model partnerships included in the CAPP-Eisenhower project. This section also provides case studies and names and addresses of contact persons from each of the model partnerships. An afterword by Deborah Hancock concludes the volume. (JB)
AnmerkungenCalifornia Academic Partnership Program, California State University, 400 Golden Shore, Suite 132, Long Beach, CA 90802 ($25).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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