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Sonst. PersonenMiller, Nod (Hrsg.); Jones, David J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionStanding Conference on Univ. Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults.
TitelResearch: Reflecting Practice. Papers from the SCUTREA Annual Conference (23rd, Manchester, England, July 6-8, 1993).
Quelle(1993), (174 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Accountability; Adult Education; Autobiographies; Educational Research; Epistemology; Research and Development; Research Methodology; Research Needs; Research Problems; Teacher Researchers; Theory Practice Relationship
AbstractThe following papers are included: "Social Classification of Women's Work" (Benn, Burton); "Developing Models of Learning from Experience" (Boud, Walker); "'Research Reflecting Practice?'" (Edwards, Usher); "Metaphors and Their Implications for Research and Practice in Adult and Community Education" (Hunt); "'Common-Sense' Approach to Reflection" (Russon); "Generating Knowledge in Practice" (Sisto, Hillier); "Taking the Epistemology" (Steele); "Feminist Issues in Adult Education Research" (Zukas); "Group Based Research" (Anderson); "Adult Education as History" (Chase); "Researching the Use and Evaluation of Experiential Teaching Methods in University-Based Adult and Continuing Education" (Cherrington, van Ments); "Is History Different?" (Coles); "Discussion Groups and Researcher Bias" (Dawson); "A Becoming of Gatekeepers" (Duke); "The Lone Adult-Education Researcher" (Greenland); "Reflecting Research Practice" (Newton); "'Hero(in)es of Labour'" (Payne); "Analysing the Effectiveness of Distance Learning Methods with 'Disadvantaged' Groups in Continuing Education" (Withnall); "The Multiple Self in the Unity of Adult Learning" (Daggett); "Becoming More Reflexive as a Researcher" (Johnston); "Collecting Data and Recollecting in Tranquility" (Jones); "Doing Adult Education Research through Autobiography" (Miller); "Changing Places" (O'Rouke); "'Speaking Personally'" (Stuart); "Adult Learning and Life Histories" (Thomson); "On Keeping a Diary" (West, Alexopoulou); "Issues in Researching a Common Practice" (Anderson, Boud, Sampson); "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" (Bryant);"Practitioner-based Enquiry" (Davis); "Practitioner Research as Continuing Self-Education" (Hampton, Hampton); "Practitioners as Researchers" (Thorpe); "Adult Educators' Reflections on M.Ed. Projects which They Had Undertaken" (Watson); "Keeping the Customer Satisfied" (Armstrong); "Researching Educational and Training Guidance Needs of Bilingual Women" (Brah, Kaye); "Collaborative Research Practices and the Wider Community" (Forrester); "Student Research and LEA (Local Education Agency) Adult and Continuing Education" (Jones); "Negotiating the Minefield" (Malcolm); "Research and Development Issues for Vocational Education and Training" (McDonald et al.); "University-Based Adult Education and the Field of Practice" (Millar); "Politics of Research" (Patel); "When the Chips Are Down" (Winterton); "Access Course Feedback" (Day, Highton); "On the Relationship between Researcher and Researched" (Edwards); "Evaluation and Accountability in the Research Process" (Lawrence); and "Working Collaboratively on Research into Collaborative Working" (Shuttleworth). Some papers contain substantial bibliographies. (MN)
AnmerkungenSCUTREA, c/o Education Business Centre, 336 Philip Lane, London N15 4AB, England, United Kingdom (15 pounds sterling).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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