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Autor/inBallinger, Charles
InstitutionNational Association for Year-Round Education, San Diego, CA.
TitelAnnual Report to the Association on the Status of Year-Round Education.
Quelle(1993), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Elementary Secondary Education; Extended School Year; Flexible Scheduling; Nontraditional Education; School Schedules; Year Round Schools
AbstractThe status of year-round education is described in this annual address to the National Association for Year-Round Education (NAYRE). Trends for 1992 include the following: (1) 2,049 schools in 26 states now use year-round education (YRE), 23 percent more than in 1991 and 135 percent more than in 1990; (2) the greatest growth has occurred in the western United States; (3) the numbers of multitrack YRE schools are increasing; and (4) private schools are showing interest. Among arguments for YRE are that it will provide: more continuous instruction leading to more continuous learning; less learning loss because of a shorter summer vacation; the opportunity to use intersession periods for instructional remediation; higher student and teacher attendance; fewer dropouts; reduced vandalism; and quicker diagnosis and remediation of student problems. A distinction is made between extending the school year and the NAYRE's concept of reorganizing the current 170 to 180 days of schooling. Suggestions for introducing an YRE plan to the public include stressing the educational values inherent in the YRE concepts and avoiding large community meetings in the initial stages. (LMI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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