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Autor/inBallif, Michelle
TitelComposition: What's Love Got To Do with It?
Quelle(1993), (14 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Cooperative Learning; Feminism; Higher Education; Postmodernism; Rhetorical Theory; Teacher Student Relationship; Writing Apprehension; Writing (Composition); Writing Instruction
AbstractA recent trend in composition studies has been a call for the "feminization" of composition pedagogy. Collaborative learning pedagogues have sought to reconstruct the classroom as a site of social cooperation, connectedness, and nurturance and have re-envisioned composition as an act of understanding rather than of agonistics. Reconstituting the composition classroom as the site of maternal care merely insidiously reterritorializes power relations--the specific power relations of mother and child, public and private, master and servant. The problem with current critical theories and pedagogies (maternal pedagogies included), according to Jean Baudrillard, is that the critical spirit has found there a comfortable place to retire and has thus lost its revolutionary potential. Jean Baudrillard offers a paratheory of the invention of the writing Self--an ironic self who maintains a distance from Truth and all other totalizing theories of unity and community: in place of the banality of "love," he offers seduction; in place of the subject, he offers the object; in place of a pathos of consensus, he offers a Neitzschian pathos of distance. Baudrillard's strategies offer the possiblity of breaking up the tyranny of Truth, Being, and Identity which has held us hostage and of opening up a space in which fatal, as opposed to maternal pedagogies, could be challenged to appear. (SAM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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