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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionDelaware Univ., Newark. Coll. of Education.
TitelProject 30 Year Two Report: Institutional Accomplishments.
Quelle(1991), (178 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterColleges; Curriculum Development; Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Higher Education; Institutional Cooperation; Instructional Improvement; Mathematics Instruction; Minority Group Teachers; Organizational Objectives; Policy Formation; Preservice Teacher Education; Program Design; Program Effectiveness; Program Implementation; Program Improvement; Schools of Education; Science Instruction; Self Efficacy; Teacher Education Programs; Universities
AbstractProject 30 is a national initiative of 30 representative institutions of higher education charged with redesigning teacher education programs. Objectives include implemention of reforms that will increase the competence and authority of teachers, provide for the substantive and imaginative development of the intellect of students, and strengthen the teaching profession. This report, based on a Project 30 national conference devoted to exploring implications of the five project themes or conversations is organized into three sections: (1) Education Program Reform in Method and Content; (2) Education Program Reform in Service; and (3) Limitations and Possibilities. Section 1 focuses on: initiation of dialogue between faculty from different disciplines and departments within the institution; team formation, for work on specific projects; and curriculum reform including creation of new courses, new majors, or new requirements in an attempt to improve their teacher education programs. Section 2 reports on collaboration between colleges and universities, and improvement of mathematics and science instruction (giving specific project description) and on efforts to integrate math and science instruction. Section 3 provides reports from several schools on problems encountered and the need for understanding real limitations, constraints, and politics of reform; and recommendations for the future. The final section is an epilogue entitled "Getting beyond the Reform Slogans." Information on the institutional characteristics of each of the Project 30 team members is provided. (LL)
AnmerkungenProject 30, College of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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