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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inHarris, April L.
InstitutionCouncil for Advancement and Support of Education, Washington, DC.
TitelRaising Money and Cultivating Donors through Special Events.
Quelle(1991), (63 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Budgeting; Check Lists; Colleges; Donors; Financial Needs; Fund Raising; Guidelines; Higher Education; Private Financial Support; Program Development; Universities; Volunteers
AbstractThis book provides "how to" information for those who have never managed a fund-raising event for a college or university, and gives advice to help the experienced professional fund-raiser fine-tune traditional or new events. It covers the essential steps in event planning such as developing a realistic budget, and includes a budget planning checklist. Specific chapters discuss the following: (1) developing special events to meet specific roles; (2) matching the event to the institution; (3) determining the budget and paying the bills; (4) using volunteers; (5) pricing and selling the tickets and promoting the event; (6) selecting and positioning events that support the capital campaign; and (7) developing and implementing an effective post-event follow-up process. The book contains a 26-item bibliography covering areas of capital campaigns; etiquette and protocol; fund raising and special events; and marketing, promotion, and publicity. (GLR)
AnmerkungenCouncil for Advancement and Support of Education, Suite 400, 11 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036-1261 (Order No. 24602, $24.00 members, $32.00 nonmembers).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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