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Autor/inRichardson, Richard C., Jr.
InstitutionEducation Commission of the States, Denver, CO.; National Center for Postsecondary Governance and Finance, Tempe, AZ.
TitelPromoting Fair College Outcomes: Learning from the Experiences of the Past Decade.
Quelle(1991), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Achievement; Academic Persistence; American Indians; Blacks; Case Studies; Colleges; Diversity (Student); Educational Improvement; Enrollment Influences; Enrollment Trends; Equal Education; Graduation; Higher Education; Hispanic Americans; Institutional Role; Minority Groups; Outcomes of Education; School Holding Power; Undergraduate Study; Universities
AbstractThis report presents an analysis of the data developed from a survey involving case studies of 10 public colleges and universities with good records for graduating African Americans, Hispanics, or American Indians. The survey identified 36 state and 68 institutional practices associated with high, or improved, equity outcomes during the 1980s. Ten states and all of the 142 public, four-year institutions within their boundaries responded to the survey, providing information about the intensity and duration of these practices between 1980 and 1988. States and institutions also provided participation and graduation rates for the racial and ethnic groups they served. Among the study's findings concerning developing conditions between 1980-89 were the following: (1) about 20% of the predominantly Anglo institutions improved both enrollment and graduation equity outcomes between 1980 and 1988; (2) another 20% of the predominantly Anglo institutions improved enrollment equity, but lost ground on graduation equity; (3) about 30% of the institutions lost ground both in enrollment and graduation equity; (4) state efforts to improve access and undergraduate education had positive effects; (5) state policies improving transfer opportunities also had a strong positive effect; and (6) state actions were seen as primarily influencing graduation equity for African Americans and enrollment equity for Hispanics. Contains 5 references. (GLR)
AnmerkungenEducation Commission of the States, Distribution Center, 707 17th Street, Suite 2700, Denver, CO 80202-3427 (No. MP-90-4, $6.75).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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