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Autor/inn/enPolulech, Joan Burgess; Nuttall, Paul
InstitutionConnecticut Univ., Storrs. Cooperative Extension Service.
TitelTalking about Sex. Growing Pains: Sex Education for Parents. A Newsletter Series. Letter V.
[Report No.: 88-7
Quelle(1988), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Adolescents; Interpersonal Communication; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Education; Parent Role; Self Esteem; Sex Education; Sexuality
AbstractThis document presents the fifth of five newsletters on sex education for parents. The newsletters were designed to help parents increase their ability to communicate with their adolescents about sexual issues. They explore the origins of the parents' feelings about sex; teach the importance of a healthy self-concept and how to build it in the adolescent; unravel the physical, social, and emotional mysteries of adolescence; and develop some skills that will help parents talk about sex with their adolescents. The specific goals of this newsletter on talking about sex are to help parents: (1) be able to identify some reasons why parents might not discuss sex with their children; (2) understand their role in the sex education of their adolescent; (3) understand what adolescents want to know about sex; and (4) know some techniques for communicating with adolescents about sexuality. The newsletter is presented in workbook format with spaces provided for parents to write answers to questions and exercises. It concludes with a reference list and a short list of suggested readings for parents. (NB)
AnmerkungenAgricultural Publications, 1376 Storrs Road, The University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-4035 ($4.00 for set of 5; quantity discounts).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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