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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionLouisiana State Dept. of Education, Baton Rouge.
TitelProject TEEN. Report on Adolescent Pregnancy and School Dropouts in Louisiana.
Quelle(1987), (87 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Adolescents; Dropouts; Early Parenthood; Illegitimate Births; Pregnancy; Pregnant Students; Program Evaluation; Public Policy; School Role; Secondary Education; Trend Analysis; Unwed Mothers
AbstractThis report describes results of Project TEEN, a 1-year federal grant project awarded to the Louisiana State Department of Education for the purpose of conducting a state assessment of compliance with Title IX as related to middle and secondary school dropouts among pregnant female adolescents. Other stated purposes of the project include assessment of educational offerings available to pregnant minors and the development of model survey and questionnaire instruments. This document discusses: (1) the economic impact of adolescent pregnancy in Louisiana with statistics concerning live births to teenagers; (2) family awareness and youth responsibilities with statistics concerning out-of-wedlock births to teenagers; (3) teenage pregnancy and its impact on dropping out of school with statistics concerning estimated numbers of pregnant students; (4) the health costs of teenage pregnancy for the mothers and babies with statistics concerning infant deaths categorized; and (5) availability of support services and unmet service needs such as child care with statistics concerning desired services. Recommendations by the Project TEEN Task Force are provided, focusing on the role of schools and the need for support services. The appendix includes Project TEEN questionnaires for mothers and fathers and data tables from the project. (ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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